
Minecraft snow city map 1.12.2
Minecraft snow city map 1.12.2

minecraft snow city map 1.12.2

  • Endermen cannot teleport onto snow layers stacked 10 or more deep.
  • Hostile mobs cannot spawn on snow layers stacked 2 or more deep, if light sources aren't desired for a build.
  • Thus, an easy-to-build snow farm (and a material to make lots of shovels) can avoid the need to haul many stacks of cobblestone or other material to a build site for constructing large farms.
  • Snow blocks are a decent building material as long as they don't have to resist explosions contrary to all logic, they don't melt.
  • minecraft snow city map 1.12.2

    To combine with a pumpkin farm, allowing the construction of a huge army of snow golems, which can be used to either throw snowballs at mobs, or to produce more snow.

    minecraft snow city map 1.12.2

    There are many benefits to making a snow farm.

    Minecraft snow city map 1.12.2